Friday, February 4, 2011


The trip wasn't nearly as awfull as I had anticipated. We were upgraded to first class from Lihue to San Francisco. We were really hoping for the upgrade on the red eye from San Francisco to Dulles but that was not to be. However, we did get the exit row. Jim strategically reserved the window and aisle seat in the hopes that with his status with United that the middle seat will not be booked. That did not happen either! So, he graciously gave up his aisle seat on the last two legs and sat in the middle seat! What a generous husband I have! I did not sleep one wink on the red eye so immediately upon departure of the plane in Dulles I headed for a Starbucks and tried to get my mind off the fact that it was 2 am in the morning in Kauai! We had a 2 1/2 hour layover at Dulles and then it was only another four hour flight to St. Thomas. Jim said that as soon as the plane left ground I was out for the next 2 1/2 hours. I did feel better after the short nap.

As we came upon St. Thomas it just took my breath away. It is just beautiful. I've been to Grand Cayman in the Caribbean several times but this island is no comparison in terms of the water and landscape. It is just perfection! We stayed at the Best Western on Emerald Bay. We checked in and immediately put on our suits and went onto the beach and hit the water. We watched as two dolphins swam around the sail boats and the birds dived into the water for fish. Rob and Joan arrived about an hour later and we walked up to the beach restaurant attached to the hotel for dinner. The food was great, we had a great time catching up with Rob and Joan but the highlight was the hotel cat. He was a huge muscular shorthaired calico that was very friendly and had lots of personality. Of course, the fact that Rob was feeding him bits of his Mahi Mahi probably made us more popluar than some of the other tables! At the end of our meal I picked him up and put him in my lap to Jim's absolute horror. But, the other cat lovers at the tables around us were very envious!

We both crashed that night and had a great nights sleep with the slider open and the gentle breeze and sound of the ocean. Friday morning we joined Rob and Joan for breakfast and then waited for our host to arrive at 10 am to take us to the Jamaica Bay.

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