Monday, February 7, 2011


For the second day in a row.... no Yoga! (It's a long story). However, after motoring to Peter Island (owned by Amway) we headed out in the tender to snorkel along the shore. We really didn't see much compared to the sea life we experienced at Trunk Bay. We traveled about 1/4 mile so it was great to get some exercise after all the great meals.

The crew makes snorkeling so easy... our fins and mask are handed to us out of our personally labeled mesh bags, and we are taken to the sandy shore where the front of the tender is lowered so we can walk off onto the sand. There is always a crew member in the water with us and keeps track of where we are. The tender follows us, when one of us wants to come in we just wave our hand and the boat comes right to us to pick us up.

When we returned, we showered up and prepared to watch the Super Bowl. We all met on the Sun Deck for make your own tacos and to watch the pregame show on tv. Our hosts are diehard Green Bay Packers fans and took the game very seriously. The guys migrated down to the media room for the game while the girls were equipped with 100% pure cashmere wraps and snuggled in on the Sun Deck for lots of great girl talk and cursory glances at the game. 

Jim and I were put in charge of setting up the game squares for the game. Each couple contributed $50 towards the game and chose their squares. Each couple won a quarter with Jim and I winning the final quarter and the game. We committed to buying drinks during our on shore bar excursions with our winnings!

Fortunately, Green Bay won the game so all was well in Jamaica Bay land!

We once again committed to joining the group for Yoga on the Sun Deck at 8 am!