Saturday, February 12, 2011


After Yoga at 8am, then breakfast we had about an hour of reminiscing with the guys. Helen had put together a power point presentation of their years at Rutgers. It was very sweet to watch the guys tell stories, reflect on the powerful impact of their years with Coach Wallach and each other. Helen was able to get a picture of each one of the guys in their late 20's after college with the exception of Jim. So, she imposed Jim's head on John's body. Someone said... that's not Jim's body! Jim says... "Those aren't my nipples!" The guys decided that is the quote of the week!

We headed out for a beach day near "The Soggy Dollar" on Yost Van Dyke. The crew headed out to the beach early and arranged for reserved beach lounges, and a reserved table for lunch at 12:30. All the beach towels, sun screen lotions, and water were ready and waiting for us... I could get use to this!!! The infamous drink at the Soggy Dollar Bar is called the painkiller.. it is a rum, juice, and lots of freshly grated nutmeg concoction. It looked deadly! I stuck with Diet Coke. Joan (the mostly non drinker) had two. Rob thought her giggle was very cute! Lunch was an appetizer of fresh conch fritters and Jim and I had the Mahi Mahi sandwich. The fish was delicious. Then, we swam in the ocean for about an hour.

When we arrived back in our room we had an invite to a pool party on the Sun Deck. We were instructed to put on our bikini tops and prepare to party. (Yeah, right!) I did wear a very cute cover up that I bought specifically for the trip. The crew joined us in their "civilian" clothes and we had a great evening of eating, drinking, chatting and hot tubing together. We got back to our room around 7:30 pm. That was a very early evening for us as we have been getting to bed around 11 to midnight.

Tomorrow, Saturday is our last full day and last morning of Yoga.... I'm going to miss this!

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