Saturday, February 12, 2011


After yoga and breakfast we pulled anchor and headed over to Norman Island. John, our host was very excited because "The Indians" is one of his favorite snorkeling places. It is this rock out in the water that we tendered to, then snorkeled around the rock. It was the most spectacular snorkel I've ever done. The fish, coral and plant life was just great. Everywhere I looked there was something new to awe over.  I almost didn't go... Jim had a business conference call and had to pass on this trip. I was very reluctant to go as I need a trusted buddy to stay with me. Susan, our hostess assigned Gary (a very cute Australian boy) to be my buddy. So far, it has been the highlight of the trip. (The snorkel, not the Australian boy). We arrived back on the boat to the smell of BBQ. Curt, the chef was on the deck BBQing duck a la orange, hamburgers, and hot dogs. We also had cole slaw, french fries, and pasta salad. Jim was a happy guy!

Jim had missed the morning dive, so the crew took Jim, Joan, and Rob out to "The Caves", another great snorkeling spot close by. They fed the fish pieces of hard boiled egg. Jim said there were lots of fish to look at.

Cocktail hour was a tender to the infamous "Willy T". It is this schooner moored a distance from shore that is a down and dirty bar/restaurant. It is known for "belly shots" and other various ways of excuses for "losing" pieces of clothing. It was early in the evening so it was tame compared to the stories we had heard. Contrary to what some of you may have heard... you can buy the T shirts without baring breasts!
I met a very nice man from Baltimore who was bare boating with seven of his friends for the week, he was interesting to talk to. Jim was discreetly taking pictures of us because he thought the guy was picking me up.... I had to break the news to Jim later that in fact I had struck up a conversation with him and it never even occurred to me that it was a pick up situation. I think I'm getting old!!!

We returned to the boat for yet another fabulous East Indian meal. Jim decided that he wanted to go back to the Willy T for late viewing. He talked Rob (who didn't go with us earlier) into going with him. They came back about 1 1/2 hours later and were very mysterious as to what they had seen and encountered. Jim did say a much younger woman danced with he and Rob. He was very proud of that until I reminded him that she needed someone to buy her drinks! GUILTY!!!

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