Monday, February 7, 2011


WE MADE IT TO YOGA!!! Jim and I went to yoga for the first time ever. Can you believe Jim practicing yoga?  He surprised himself and enjoyed it. Jim is old school and thinks that if you are not in pain when exercising you are not doing any good.

At breakfast, the chef offered fresh made almond milk. I am hooked! It was delicious. We have been promised a cooking class with the chef tomorrow afternoon so I am going to ask him about his technique for making it. Yesterday at breakfast, I ordered oatmeal. Our server Tilitha is from Australia. She did not know what I was asking for until I described it to her.... she says "oh, I know, you want porridge!" Jim proceeded to let everyone know how much he disliked oatmeal and she assured him that she had a secret to him liking it. Well, this morning at breakfast he was presented with oatmeal made with scotch instead of milk or water. He ate it right up.... Tilitha has his number!

After breakfast, we motored for about two hours to Virgin Gorda. There was lots of boat traffic, especially sail boats as it was a very windy day. The water changed colors as we went down the channel to this very hard to describe brilliant blue. (Like the Larimar)

We anchored in The Bitter End Bay in the early afternoon. We will spend two nights here. The deck crew lowered the platform off the back of the boat and we spent the afternoon swimming off the back of the boat. This is a major milestone for me as a major phobia of mine is swimming in water where I cannot see the bottom. Jim was very patient with me and coached me in. Others in the group were tendered up shore and kayaked back to the boat.

For the cocktail hour, we tendered in to Saba Rock. We went through their gift shop where Jim bought a cap and a duffle bag that will work really well for storing beach towels on our ski boat.

Dinner tonight was Jim's favorite... steak and twice baked potatoes, and flourless chocolate cake for desert. It's a good thing that we have a big snorkel day planned for tomorrow. We have lots of calories to burn off!

We have a date with Maria on the Sun Deck for Yoga at 8 am in the morning.


  1. You KNOW there are sharks in them waters!

  2. Now taking bets if Jim and Esther will make it to yoga tomorrow... I'm on the edge of my seat. The suspense is killing me.

  3. Scotch & porridge anyone? Maybe a mimosa to wash it down?

  4. Notice, friends.... these comments are made by relatives (specifically, siblings) My friends would never make these sarcastic comments to me!
