Saturday, February 12, 2011


After Yoga at 8am, then breakfast we had about an hour of reminiscing with the guys. Helen had put together a power point presentation of their years at Rutgers. It was very sweet to watch the guys tell stories, reflect on the powerful impact of their years with Coach Wallach and each other. Helen was able to get a picture of each one of the guys in their late 20's after college with the exception of Jim. So, she imposed Jim's head on John's body. Someone said... that's not Jim's body! Jim says... "Those aren't my nipples!" The guys decided that is the quote of the week!

We headed out for a beach day near "The Soggy Dollar" on Yost Van Dyke. The crew headed out to the beach early and arranged for reserved beach lounges, and a reserved table for lunch at 12:30. All the beach towels, sun screen lotions, and water were ready and waiting for us... I could get use to this!!! The infamous drink at the Soggy Dollar Bar is called the painkiller.. it is a rum, juice, and lots of freshly grated nutmeg concoction. It looked deadly! I stuck with Diet Coke. Joan (the mostly non drinker) had two. Rob thought her giggle was very cute! Lunch was an appetizer of fresh conch fritters and Jim and I had the Mahi Mahi sandwich. The fish was delicious. Then, we swam in the ocean for about an hour.

When we arrived back in our room we had an invite to a pool party on the Sun Deck. We were instructed to put on our bikini tops and prepare to party. (Yeah, right!) I did wear a very cute cover up that I bought specifically for the trip. The crew joined us in their "civilian" clothes and we had a great evening of eating, drinking, chatting and hot tubing together. We got back to our room around 7:30 pm. That was a very early evening for us as we have been getting to bed around 11 to midnight.

Tomorrow, Saturday is our last full day and last morning of Yoga.... I'm going to miss this!


After yoga and breakfast we pulled anchor and headed over to Norman Island. John, our host was very excited because "The Indians" is one of his favorite snorkeling places. It is this rock out in the water that we tendered to, then snorkeled around the rock. It was the most spectacular snorkel I've ever done. The fish, coral and plant life was just great. Everywhere I looked there was something new to awe over.  I almost didn't go... Jim had a business conference call and had to pass on this trip. I was very reluctant to go as I need a trusted buddy to stay with me. Susan, our hostess assigned Gary (a very cute Australian boy) to be my buddy. So far, it has been the highlight of the trip. (The snorkel, not the Australian boy). We arrived back on the boat to the smell of BBQ. Curt, the chef was on the deck BBQing duck a la orange, hamburgers, and hot dogs. We also had cole slaw, french fries, and pasta salad. Jim was a happy guy!

Jim had missed the morning dive, so the crew took Jim, Joan, and Rob out to "The Caves", another great snorkeling spot close by. They fed the fish pieces of hard boiled egg. Jim said there were lots of fish to look at.

Cocktail hour was a tender to the infamous "Willy T". It is this schooner moored a distance from shore that is a down and dirty bar/restaurant. It is known for "belly shots" and other various ways of excuses for "losing" pieces of clothing. It was early in the evening so it was tame compared to the stories we had heard. Contrary to what some of you may have heard... you can buy the T shirts without baring breasts!
I met a very nice man from Baltimore who was bare boating with seven of his friends for the week, he was interesting to talk to. Jim was discreetly taking pictures of us because he thought the guy was picking me up.... I had to break the news to Jim later that in fact I had struck up a conversation with him and it never even occurred to me that it was a pick up situation. I think I'm getting old!!!

We returned to the boat for yet another fabulous East Indian meal. Jim decided that he wanted to go back to the Willy T for late viewing. He talked Rob (who didn't go with us earlier) into going with him. They came back about 1 1/2 hours later and were very mysterious as to what they had seen and encountered. Jim did say a much younger woman danced with he and Rob. He was very proud of that until I reminded him that she needed someone to buy her drinks! GUILTY!!!


The surprise dinner for Tuesday night was over the top fantastic! When we returned to our rooms after a quick cocktail hour on shore, there were Moroccan costumes for each of us.  We had a hint of East Indian when we returned to the boat as we smelled some incredible spices coming from the galley. Our invite said to dress for dinner and make our way to the sun deck for an evening of intoxicating pleasures! The crew were all decked out in costume and playing the roles of street merchants selling there wares of trinkets, spices, and cell phones with very good deals! The boys were seated in a circle on the deck and surrounded a hookah. We are had the opportunity to smoke the hookah. In fact, I think there are pictures of each of us going around that the crew plans to use against us in some way! The sun deck was transformed into a tent with incredible fabrics on the walls of the tent, on the pillows, and table scape. I will add pictures after we return home and we have the time to organize and label them. The food was amazing... my favorite was the lamb.

We anchored overnight for the second night at The Bitter End and headed out after breakfast to Peter Island. I don't remember what we did the remainder of the day! I'll have to check Captain Bob's log!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Oh yeah, just checked with a crew member... it is Tuesday, February 8, 2011. I woke up at 6:30 am and headed out in search of a cup of coffee.  Not just any coffee was being served this morning. Maria, a crew member from Brazil had a special package of coffee displayed from her country. I asked for a cup made in the french press and headed out to the upper back deck. Tilithia was up early this morning and brought me my cup. It had to be the best cup of coffee I'd ever had!

Jim wandered out of the cabin about a half hour later and we headed up to the Sun Deck for morning Yoga with Maria. Maria reminds us of proper breathing... and to ALWAYS smile through the poses. It works! Helen is a yoga junky and puts us all to shame with her completion of the poses. She can literally roll herself up into a ball. How is Jim doing you may wonder?? Well, I hear him next to me puffing and grunting like a bear and making all these weird moaning sounds when Maria asks us to change positions. I have to learn to block out the sounds.

We headed downstairs for a "light" breakfast of pastries, fruit, yogurt, smoothies, and my favorite... the almond milk.

After breakfast we tendered out towards the ocean, passing the Bitter End Resort and Saba Rock Island for some reef snorkeling. John wanted to show us Necker Island (owned by Richard Branson) so we cruised past it before beginning the snorkeling. Now keep in mind, I'm not one for feeling really comfortable in the water... especially water with waves breaking over my head! Tom and I happened to be sitting together and he was mumbling about how this seemed to be more than he felt comfortable with. I was with him!!! Tom and I helped each other talk ourselves into doing this. The experienced crew was with us, the tender was close by etc... we did it! Jim however, lost one of his fins, retrieved it and then was unable to bend over in the water to put it back on. Maria had to dive down and put his fin back on for him! (I didn't buy that little tactic one bit!) After all that, I was not terribly impressed with the snorkel trip. We really saw very little.

On the way back to the Jamaica Bay, we waylayed to the right of the bay and stopped in at the SandBar for a quick refreshment. This little island which is part of Virgin Gorda has a white sandy beach and is very popular with the cruise ships. Fortunately, there were no cruise ships in and it was deserted with the exception of a family of goats and an underfed cat. Rob and Joan were drawn to the cat, however our host John was very adamant that one of his traveling rules was to never touch an animal in another country or area. You never know what you could be exposing yourself, your family, or animal at home to. That seemed to be a little extreme to me but... whatever! Rob and Joan chose to ignore John and were really loving it up with the cat.

We returned to the Jamaica Bay around noon, showered, and headed to the main back deck for a "light brunch". Since, I have some time and recent memory I'm going to describe our "light brunch". Drinks started with a very good champagne mixed with a light raspberry infused simple syrup and a hibiscus flower floating in the glass. YUM! Then, the food starting coming.... first, smoked atlantic salmon with capers, red onion, whipped creme cheese and fresh squeezed lemon on a bagel slice. Then, Cesar salad,
a lobster skewer, eggs benedict, roasted potatoes, tuna sandwiches on white bread, duck and chicken pockets, and a huge platter of english link sausage, pattie sausage and bacon. Other than the Super Bowl meal of make your own Tacos, this was the lowest key meal we have had so far.

This afternoon is a do your own thing option... I chose to read and update my blog. (I should be on the treadmill for the next two hours!) Jim tendered over to the beach at the SandBar with Joan and Helen, Rob went to take a nap, and Tom is sleeping off his over indulgence in champagne.

We have been kidding each other all week over the laundry. The crew takes whatever is left out in our cabins and launders it. There have been times when we have gotten items back that do not belong to us. I discreetly ask Joan or Helen if the item belongs to them. Well, last night in our stack of laundry we found this very cute pair of black boy shorts type of women's undies. Jim held them up and said "I don't think these belong to you!" Just before lunch today he said he was going to bring them to lunch and ask Helen or Joan if it belonged to them. Of course, I said you will NOT DO THAT! Well, unbeknownst to be he had laid them out and taken a picture of them. He brought the camera to the table and asked me to hand the camera to Helen. I did. Then, he asked Helen if she recognized the picture. She immediately turned it right around and accused Jim of coming into their room and digging around in their drawers. So, the joke was on him! Everyone wanted to see the picture... everyone also thought the undies were very cute!

Enough for the afternoon. Our host has promised us something very special for the evening, so stay tuned. Our cooking class has been scheduled for later in the week. We have also had a very interesting political discussion that Jim got easily sucked into. I chose to move out onto the deck...

Monday, February 7, 2011


WE MADE IT TO YOGA!!! Jim and I went to yoga for the first time ever. Can you believe Jim practicing yoga?  He surprised himself and enjoyed it. Jim is old school and thinks that if you are not in pain when exercising you are not doing any good.

At breakfast, the chef offered fresh made almond milk. I am hooked! It was delicious. We have been promised a cooking class with the chef tomorrow afternoon so I am going to ask him about his technique for making it. Yesterday at breakfast, I ordered oatmeal. Our server Tilitha is from Australia. She did not know what I was asking for until I described it to her.... she says "oh, I know, you want porridge!" Jim proceeded to let everyone know how much he disliked oatmeal and she assured him that she had a secret to him liking it. Well, this morning at breakfast he was presented with oatmeal made with scotch instead of milk or water. He ate it right up.... Tilitha has his number!

After breakfast, we motored for about two hours to Virgin Gorda. There was lots of boat traffic, especially sail boats as it was a very windy day. The water changed colors as we went down the channel to this very hard to describe brilliant blue. (Like the Larimar)

We anchored in The Bitter End Bay in the early afternoon. We will spend two nights here. The deck crew lowered the platform off the back of the boat and we spent the afternoon swimming off the back of the boat. This is a major milestone for me as a major phobia of mine is swimming in water where I cannot see the bottom. Jim was very patient with me and coached me in. Others in the group were tendered up shore and kayaked back to the boat.

For the cocktail hour, we tendered in to Saba Rock. We went through their gift shop where Jim bought a cap and a duffle bag that will work really well for storing beach towels on our ski boat.

Dinner tonight was Jim's favorite... steak and twice baked potatoes, and flourless chocolate cake for desert. It's a good thing that we have a big snorkel day planned for tomorrow. We have lots of calories to burn off!

We have a date with Maria on the Sun Deck for Yoga at 8 am in the morning.


For the second day in a row.... no Yoga! (It's a long story). However, after motoring to Peter Island (owned by Amway) we headed out in the tender to snorkel along the shore. We really didn't see much compared to the sea life we experienced at Trunk Bay. We traveled about 1/4 mile so it was great to get some exercise after all the great meals.

The crew makes snorkeling so easy... our fins and mask are handed to us out of our personally labeled mesh bags, and we are taken to the sandy shore where the front of the tender is lowered so we can walk off onto the sand. There is always a crew member in the water with us and keeps track of where we are. The tender follows us, when one of us wants to come in we just wave our hand and the boat comes right to us to pick us up.

When we returned, we showered up and prepared to watch the Super Bowl. We all met on the Sun Deck for make your own tacos and to watch the pregame show on tv. Our hosts are diehard Green Bay Packers fans and took the game very seriously. The guys migrated down to the media room for the game while the girls were equipped with 100% pure cashmere wraps and snuggled in on the Sun Deck for lots of great girl talk and cursory glances at the game. 

Jim and I were put in charge of setting up the game squares for the game. Each couple contributed $50 towards the game and chose their squares. Each couple won a quarter with Jim and I winning the final quarter and the game. We committed to buying drinks during our on shore bar excursions with our winnings!

Fortunately, Green Bay won the game so all was well in Jamaica Bay land!

We once again committed to joining the group for Yoga on the Sun Deck at 8 am!


Jim and I didn't make it to Yoga! The time change caught up with us! Andie finally knocked on our door and told us it was 10 am and the rest of the group had done yoga, had breakfast, dressed, and were ready to tender in to St. John for a morning of shopping!

We hit several of the jewelry stores that specialize in a local gem called Larimar. After lots of scouting, I picked out a bracelet. The guys hit a local bar for a beverage or two, more reminiscing and business talk.

After lunch on the boat we tendered to Trunk Bay for an afternoon of snorkeling. The waters surrounding St. John are all part of the protected National Park system. We followed an underwater snorkeling trail around the bay. There were plaques on the sea floor that provided information on the plant and fish life.

Jim managed to lose his glasses overboard in the bay so John and Jim spent quite some time diving for glasses! They did find them!!!

Late in the afternoon we motored to Jost Van Dyke and anchored for the night. We tendered in and had BBQ and dancing at Foxy's.

At the end of the evening, we committed to make it to Yoga at 8 am with assistance from Andie for a wake up call!


John, our host and Captain John (captain of the Jamaica Bay) picked the four of us up at 10 am for the short five minute ride to the new Yacht Haven Grand Yacht Club and the Jamaica Bay. The guys immediately began telling stories on each other and repeating stories we've heard over and over again for years!

Upon our arrival at the harbor the entire staff was standing at the entry to greet us and introduce themselves. (The ship has a crew of 15) The only word I can think of to describe the experience for the remainder of the day is WOW and that does not do it justice. We were taken to one of three outside entertaining areas and given a refreshing drink. Our luggage was taken to our cabins and then we were given a tour of the ship. We drew for cabin keys and I was fortunate enough to draw the Main Deck VIP Suite! Our suite is nicer than any hotel room I have ever stayed in and the bathroom is practically big enough to live in! Our cabin attendant, Andie (also the head attendant) is from Melbourne Australia. She had worked on the previous Jamaica Bay and this latest one for a total of seven years. She is excellent at what she does. She unpacked our clothes for us, put them away, had all items that needed to be pressed ironed and back in our room by the evening.

Tom and Helen arrived from DC around 4 pm and we left the harbor and motored for about 1 1/2 hours to Francis Bay on the northern side of St. John and anchored for the night. Our meals have been been over the top but more on that when I have the time to post pictures and describe the tablescapes that go with each meal.

A quick short story on the evening meal. The main course was Coq au Vin. The server asked each of us for our choice of white or dark meat. Jim and I both chose dark meat. Later, after retiring to our room Jim asked me what kind of meat we were eating. I asked him what he thought it was. He said well, I thought it may have been some sort of small animal or a bird like creature! When I told him it was just a plain old chicken he was very relieved!
The ship has a staff person who is a yoga instructor so the six of us made a date with her for Saturday morning at 8 am on the sun deck.

Friday, February 4, 2011


The trip wasn't nearly as awfull as I had anticipated. We were upgraded to first class from Lihue to San Francisco. We were really hoping for the upgrade on the red eye from San Francisco to Dulles but that was not to be. However, we did get the exit row. Jim strategically reserved the window and aisle seat in the hopes that with his status with United that the middle seat will not be booked. That did not happen either! So, he graciously gave up his aisle seat on the last two legs and sat in the middle seat! What a generous husband I have! I did not sleep one wink on the red eye so immediately upon departure of the plane in Dulles I headed for a Starbucks and tried to get my mind off the fact that it was 2 am in the morning in Kauai! We had a 2 1/2 hour layover at Dulles and then it was only another four hour flight to St. Thomas. Jim said that as soon as the plane left ground I was out for the next 2 1/2 hours. I did feel better after the short nap.

As we came upon St. Thomas it just took my breath away. It is just beautiful. I've been to Grand Cayman in the Caribbean several times but this island is no comparison in terms of the water and landscape. It is just perfection! We stayed at the Best Western on Emerald Bay. We checked in and immediately put on our suits and went onto the beach and hit the water. We watched as two dolphins swam around the sail boats and the birds dived into the water for fish. Rob and Joan arrived about an hour later and we walked up to the beach restaurant attached to the hotel for dinner. The food was great, we had a great time catching up with Rob and Joan but the highlight was the hotel cat. He was a huge muscular shorthaired calico that was very friendly and had lots of personality. Of course, the fact that Rob was feeding him bits of his Mahi Mahi probably made us more popluar than some of the other tables! At the end of our meal I picked him up and put him in my lap to Jim's absolute horror. But, the other cat lovers at the tables around us were very envious!

We both crashed that night and had a great nights sleep with the slider open and the gentle breeze and sound of the ocean. Friday morning we joined Rob and Joan for breakfast and then waited for our host to arrive at 10 am to take us to the Jamaica Bay.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We are off this afternoon, headed for St. Thomas. We leave here at 2:30 pm Hawaii time and arrive in San Francisco later this evening. Then, off to Dulles, Washington DC on the red eye. And finally, our last leg from Dulles to St. Thomas tomorrow morning at 9:30 arriving in St. Thomas at 1:30 pm local time. Will we still be standing??? Wait for my post tomorrow evening! Quite frankly, I'm hoping for the "monster storm" to affect Dulles airport so our red eye flight will be cancelled and we can get a good night's sleep in San Francisco!

My kindle is loaded so I have plenty of reading to do. I've tackled Ken Follet's "The Pillars of the Earth" and "World Without End" in past winters and I'm just delving into his latest "Fall of Giants." That should keep me in plenty of reading for the next week.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Okay, so many of you seem to be more interested in the bet Jim lost (hence him having to get a pedicure with clear polish and a design on each big toe) than our upcoming trip. So, here is the scoop. As many of you know, I was looking forward to Jim's retirement on December 31st with a bit of trepidation. I had to remind him that this was not a boss/employee relationship and to make life easier for both of us that he needed to remember our family's motto... there is the Wells way (me) and the wrong way. So, for the past month we have been keeping count as to who is "right" the most. A common saying to one of us challenging the other is "wanna bet?" I WON!!!

I thought you all might be interested in some of the stats of the Jamaica Bay III. The ship is newly constructed and just completed in Germany in late 2010. It is in its maiden season in the Caribbean. The owners have been on the ship for about three weeks and are still learning all the bells and whistles!  The copy is not that easy to read but here goes..

Project Name:Jamaica Bay III Yacht type:Motor Yacht
Based concept:Sub type:
Call sign:SYT#:Y00081
Flag:Marshall IslandsPort of Registry:
Length Overall (m):59.50Length Overall (ft):195.21
Length On Deck (m):Length On Deck (ft):
Length Waterline (m):Length Waterline (ft):
Beam (m):Beam (ft):
Draught Max (m):Draught Max (ft):
Draught Min (m):Draught Min (ft):
Shipyard:Nobiskrug Year:2010
Hull:779 Status:Completed
Port:Rendsburg Country:Germany
Naval Architect:Nobiskrug
Exterior Designer:Felix Buytendijk Yacht Design
Interior Designer:Felix Buytendijk Yacht Design
Hull Material:SteelSuperstructure:Aluminium
Gross Tonnage:Displacement:
Class:Lloyds Register
Class Comments:MCA:No
Guest Cabins:
Guests:12Max Charter Guests:
Crew Cabins:Crew:
Total HP:Total KW:
Max Speed:Cruise Speed:
Range:4,000Propulsion:Twin Screw
Fuel Capacity (Liters):Fuel Capacity (Gallons):
Water Capacity (Liters):Water Capacity (Gallons):

Monday, January 31, 2011


Jim and I are off to St. Thomas on Wednesday to board the Jamaica Bay III on Friday morning. Our hosts, John and Susan are the owners of the yacht. Also joining us are Tom and Helen from Washington DC, and Rob and Joan from Bakersfield, Ca. All the guys were Rutgers University fraternity brothers and part of a mile relay team with speed records that still hold for the University. We are so very fortunate to be invited on this once in a lifetime experience and my plan is to share those experiences through this daily blog with pictures and posts. Please join us on our journey....